Wei Chen Huang

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About Me

National Tsing Hua University (NTHU)

B.S. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

September 2019 - June 2023 · Hsinchu, Taiwan

Computer Science Relavant Courses

Data Structure(A+), Computer Network(A+), Computer Architecture(A+), Software Studio(A+), Operating System(A+), Algorithm(A), Machine Learning(A), Computer System Administration(A), Database(A), Computer Graphic(A+), Parallel Programing(A-), Network Security(A+)

Interested Fields

  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Software Engineering
  • Large-Scale System Design
  • UX Development


  • Programming
    C/C++, Javascript, HTML/CSS, Python, C#, Java
  • Web Framework & Database
    React.JS, Backbone.JS, PostgreSQL, mySQL, mongoDB, Selenium/Webdrive
  • Other
    GNU/Linux, Git, Docker, Figma




Software Engineering Intern, Bing Ads

July 2022 - June 2023 · Taipei, Taiwan


National Tsing Hua University

Intelligent Data Engineering and Applications Lab

Prof. Yi-Shin Chen · February 2022 - Octobor 2022 · Hsinchu, Taiwan

Legal Judgment Prediction - Porting the TopJudge Framework to Taiwanese Judicial Decision Data

  • Proved transplanting possibility by porting existing Chinese prediction models to Taiwanese court documents
  • Created a pipeline to process untamed Taiwanese legal judgment documents into structured data with Python

Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University

Teaching Assistant of Introduction to Programming I & II

Prof. Shun-Ren Yang · January 2022 - January 2023 · Hsinchu, Taiwan

  • Designed and reviewed 4 programming assignments and exams for a 120-student class
  • Supervised and evaluated 4 class projects about Allegro-5 and Object-Oriented Programming

Selected Project


Software Studio Course Project

March 2021 - June 2021 · Hsinchu, Taiwan

GitoDo introduces a new approach to task management, drawing inspiration from Git's branching system. Traditional to-do apps fall short on collaboration and branching capabilities. GitoDo empowers users to create multiple main repositories for diverse tasks, enabling seamless collaboration within study groups or shared objectives. This project earned accolades for its novelty and design. My multifaceted role spanned UI/UX design, front-end development, conflict resolution, and leadership.



2022 TSMC x Microsoft CareerHack Competition

1st Runner Up (Against 40+ teams from Taiwan)

January 2022 · Taiwan

I participated in the CareerHack, a hackathon jointly hosted by TSMC and Microsoft Taiwan, where the challenge was to harness machine learning and MLOps for energy-efficient data center management. Leading a team of four, my role was pivotal as we focused on optimizing data center cooling for eco-friendly computing. Our innovative concept involved leveraging the natural cool sea currents of the Taiwan Strait in conjunction with Azure Cloud Computing. We designed a system that used water pumping to facilitate heat exchange between the sea's chilly waters and the heat-intensive liquids in the data center, all while dynamically controlling the process with MLOps. We rigorously tested our hypotheses through simulations, demonstrating the feasibility of our approach and our commitment to sustainable data center solutions.


4th APAC HPC-AI Competition

2nd Place (Against 35+ student teams from APAC region)

June 2021 - November 2021 · Remote

The 4th APAC HPC-AI Competition proved to be a formidable test of computing prowess, challenging student teams across the APAC region to demonstrate their expertise in two distinct domains: GROMACS and DLRM. DLRM, or Deep Learning Recommendation Model, emerged as a particularly intricate task, involving the implementation of the demanding MLPerf benchmark. The author and their teammate undertook this challenge with dedication, embarking on a journey that encompassed exhaustive research, painstaking analysis of features, and the arduous task of reproducing the complex DLRM model. In the end, their efforts culminated in a remarkable second place award, underscoring the significant growth and expertise gained on the path toward becoming accomplished software developers

Extracurricular Activities


Tainan Area High School Alumni Association

National Tsing Hua University

September 2019 - September 2021 · Officer of Event Planning Team in 2020 · Hsinchu, Taiwan

During my tenure as a leader in the Event Planning Department of the National Tsing Hua University Tainan Area High School Alumni Association, I had the privilege of orchestrating numerous initiatives aimed at fostering connections among students from the Tainan Area attending NTHU. These events, including parties with other area alumni clubs (such as the NCTU Kaohsiung Area High School Alumni Association and NCTU Tainan Area High School Alumni Association) and "NanNight," featuring performances including plays and dancing, served as a bridge, uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds under the shared banner of our alma mater. In my role, I not only managed, but also spearheaded several impactful gatherings and functions.

NTHU Electrical Engineering Education Camp

July 2020 · Hsinchu, Taiwan

In the NTHU EE Camp, being a member of the Event Planning Department, I designed and implemented several events for to help 100+ participants get to know each other, while I cooperated with other members and other departments to teach high school participants to learn basic electrical engineering knowledge and share our viewpoints of studying in college of EECS in NTHU.

Homecoming Education Service Camp

January 2020 · Tainan, Taiwan

During my participation in the Homecoming Education Service Camp, I assumed a crucial role within the Event Planning Department. In this capacity, my responsibilities extended beyond the ordinary as I took charge of performing plays that aimed to educate elementary students on various scientific concepts. Additionally, I was entrusted with the design and implementation of several educational games, strategically crafted to enable children to learn while having a blast. Despite the camp's duration being a mere four days, the preparation phase was an extensive three-month journey.

Throughout this period, our team invested substantial time and effort into brainstorming and refining the plots for our educational plays. We meticulously designed each game, ensuring they were not only entertaining but also effective in conveying scientific knowledge. Every aspect of our planning was carefully considered to guarantee a seamless and immersive educational experience.
General Education Class

Oil Painting

July 2022 - June 2023 · Taipei, Taiwan

This course was designed to sharpen my aesthetic sensibilities and deepen my understanding of design principles. Focused on the fundamentals of sketching, the class introduced me to the intricacies of color analysis in oil painting. While oil painting and UI/UX design may seem disparate, this experience bridged the gap between them. Armed with knowledge in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), I began to recognize connections between website design and the principles of color, composition, and aesthetics I had learned. This newfound synergy allowed me to approach UI/UX design holistically, emphasizing the importance of aesthetics in user experience. As the course progressed, I applied the analytical skills I developed in oil painting to dissect compositions and layouts, aligning with the principles of composition analysis. This skill became a valuable asset in designing visually harmonious and user-centric interfaces.
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